Monday, 31 December 2012


2013 will be a busy year with our programme of talks and workshops for the rest of the year and an exhibition in June to prepare for.

We look forward to seeing you all at our meetings and hope to welcome new members to the Branch.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

JANUARY 12th MEETING–Show and Tell

Four members of the Branch will be talking about an aspect of their work – as follows -

Sarah Ruaux – a Young Embroiderer – will be talking about some of her handmade shoes – describing the techniques she uses including woodwork, goldwork and beading.

Kay Kellaway – talking about ‘My Glove’ – and the work of the Duke of Edinburgh design artist Patricia Roberts, her designs and her wool and she will be bringing some of her books.

Anne Baldwin – talk entitled ‘Wanderings’ - 
Ann’s textile journey which has been mostly in felt, was followed up with a C & G - new level one 2011-12 at aged 70, She will be bringing some samples and items to pass round, both stitched and felted.

Sandra Kedzlie – ‘My Diploma Poster’ – a talk about the development from initial design stages through  sampling to finished pieces, one of which was chosen for the college poster in 1997.
Sketchbooks; design sheets; samples to look through.

A good way to start off the New Year.  Look forward to seeing you all there.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


The Regional Summer School will take place from 11th to 14th July 2013 with the following tutors and we now have the prices for the courses as follows -

11th to 14th – Isobel Hall - 'Hard backed books with open embroidered spines' £295.00 p.p single en-suite £286.00p.p shared en-suite £205.00 p.p non resident.

12th to 14th – Amy Senogles – 'Embroidery Experiments' 
12th to 14thPat Barrett – ‘That Darned Stitch’-
both at
£200 single en-suite; £194 shared en-suite; £140 non-residential.

Remember – your application/booking form has to be returned to Sue Widden by 15th January.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

December 8th–Christmas meeting

A very busy and productive day with about 20 Christmas trees having been produced - from 3D stand-up to flat ones on card – many thanks to Sue C., Carole and other members of the committee who had provided felt, card and many, many other bits and pieces.

Women at work – busily stitching!



And now for some trees -


One of the 3-D trees – “a shoe tree”!

And now for our raffle winners with their baskets of yummy bits and pieces!

P1020907  First

P1020909  Second

P1020908  Third

I didn’t dare photograph all the food we had – a constant nibbling of mince pies, chocolate biscuits, cakes and boxes of chocolates were on hand throughout the day – we hardly had room for our sandwich lunches but we seemed to manage quite well.
Many thanks to Kay and Audrey for providing and organising the food arrangements.

As a result of our display and demonstration at Eccleston Library we had two visitors who joined in with the fun and even won a prize or two – so hopefully they will return and become full members of the Branch.  We look forward to seeing them in January.

A Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year to you all. 


Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Chairman’s Challenge

A message from our joint Chairmen – Anne Baldwin and Sue Tyldesley -
The Chairman’s Challenge is a 3 yearly competition for members, coinciding with the outgoing Chairman’s final year in office.

The theme for 2013 will be  - 'My favourite Place' and should comprise a piece of embroidery or textile work of any kind, no larger than A4 in any direction (3D work can be included).

Please feel free to interpret the theme widely -it does not have to be a real place!
Closing date –14 September 2013-our AGM.
So get your thinking heads on – you have about 9 months to work on an idea.
BUT of course you will also be working on exhibition pieces for June 2013, so a busy year ahead.

Should keep us all out of mischief though.