Several members attended our Sit and Stitch session and produced some great samples of COUCHING STITCHES –
THEN for the afternoon Hands-On session with Sue and Tracey - we made print blocks using string, polystyrene and foam cut outs and made our own stencils from card – making sure the ‘cut-out’ shapes were linked.
These will be used for the next session in April when the blocks and stencils will be printed onto fabrics.
The committee held an additional meeting to discuss Guild business and it was decided that Marguerita McBride our Branch Secretary, would represent us at the AGM in Birmingham on April 11th.
Unfortunately the AGM clashes with our Branch committee meeting on the same day. However proxy votes will be available this year so please keep a look out for details on the Guild website – using your Membership Login details (this is on your membership card).
Full details will also be in the next issue of Contact – No.39 – due out soon.