Don’t forget that in addition to our bumper Christmas raffle we still have our monthly colour raffle, which, for December is Turquoise. SO please bring a few items in that colour for the raffle, if you can.
Thought this picture was a bit different – you can look up others on Google images.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
December meeting - 10th
On Saturday 10th we will have an extended monthly meeting starting at 12noon, when Sue Lancaster will be giving a talk and a Hands-on entitled ‘Gambling with Creation’. (Don’t forget your packed lunch!).
Sue will provide everything we need for the Hands-on exercise we will be doing – which is to be a surprise -so no need to bring anything with you, though I don’t think I can travel without scissors and a needle and thread – just in case!!
Sue has a website entitled ‘Stitched up and Fleeced’ which shows a wide variety of her work which includes – Panels, Bags, Hats and Buttons, so if you want to see what she does, do have a look.
Hope to see you all there.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
A busy day on Saturday – starting with a very successful Coffee Morning for Project Linus when we handed over a further 7 quilts and 17 knitted blankets making our totals for the year 42 quilts and 59 blankets – well done everyone - a fantastic effort.
During the business part of our afternoon meeting our Joint Chairman Sue Tyldesley was very pleased to hand over the Broderers’ Cup to Kathleen Slinger, our longest serving member – of 61 years. Kathleen’s work was chosen by a members vote at the Regional AGM and will appear as the cover for the Annual Regional Journal 2012 – a beautiful piece of Goldwork. I will get the photograph of her piece to show in this blog as soon as I can.
The afternoon speaker was Michaela Smith who came to talk about her journey from her first beginnings as a quilter when she created standard block designs; followed by a City & Guilds course, and how this has influenced what she is doing now.
She has always loved working with landscape and now incorporates a variety of modern techniques including painting directly onto fabric; using Lutrador, painted Bondaweb, papers and silk painting.
She has been influenced by the Landscape paintings of Brian Cooke who creates landscapes using mixtures of bright and muted colours and this same idea is now being incorporated in her work, where she uses brightly coloured strips of Sari ribbon with torn and frayed edges to great effect.
A very interesting and informative talk by a very talented lady – photographs courtesy of Sue Chisnall – I had forgotten my camera!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
As most of you know we have 2 ‘bumper’ raffles a year and the Christmas one will be held at our December 10th meeting …. SO…… Carolyn will need donations for the 3 baskets of goodies to be brought in for our November meeting, to give her time to put everything together.
Donations can include fabrics, threads, books, kits, already stitched items – in other words, anything to do with stitched textiles.
We had 3 wonderful baskets last Christmas so please do help with donations this year if you can.
Tickets are £1 each
On Saturday 12th November we are holding the Coffee Morning and Sale of Work for Project Linus – I will be there from 9.30a.m to set up and would appreciate as much help from members as possible. Please arrive as soon as you can as we need to arrange the sales tables, seating etc., before we open at 10.30a.m. Kay will also need help in the kitchen and we will also need helpers for the sales tables.
If you have made a Lavender bag kit, cakes or biscuits, please bring as early as possible and anyone donating fabrics, threads or finished work should pack and price all items so that this does not have to be done on the day.
If you intend selling work and want to give the nominated 15% commission, also please pack and label with a price and provide a list of items for checking at the end of the morning.
We will have both Lesley Mercer with her ‘Project Linus’ fabric stall and Hilary Nagashi has also agreed to bring her remaining items from her shop ‘Bags of Inspiration’ (which is now closed) – lots of beads, silks etc….
We have to finish at 1p.m so that we can set up for our afternoon meeting. Visitors to the coffee morning will be welcome to stay on for the talk, at our normal visitors fee.
Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible – lets hope we have good weather.
Hilary came with everything we needed for an exciting days work. Her explanations and demonstrations were very clear and all 15 members and visitors got stuck in straight away to make fine silk creations from a variety of silk fibres, trapped leaves, threads, feathers and paper scraps.
Some of the following photographs are not named as we were all so busy I could not get around to everyone and write down names against pieces of work, so apologies to those not named but perhaps you could let me know sometime.
A clear example of how we were working – by Helen a visiting friend!
My trapped skeleton Hydrangea petals.
Not sure but these might be Monica’s pieces.
We will now look forward to seeing what everyone makes with their ‘stash’ of exciting silk creations.
Thanks to Hilary for a fascinating day.