Wednesday, 29 August 2012

September 8th–A.G.M and Talk by Nikki Parmenter on ‘Experimental Textiles’.

Our September meeting will be preceded by our AGM when new members will be voted on to the Committee and reports given on the year’s events.  Do come along to support our hard working committee and remember to bring your subscription for the new year which starts this month.

By the way have you completed your registration on the Guild website?  If not you can fill in a form and hand to Carole who will load it into the system for you.

The AGM will be followed by our speaker Nikki Parmenter – who takes her inspiration from a variety of multi-cultural sources which are rich and complex.  She is intrigued by the symbolism created by different races and societies and the way in which objects, natural phenomena, birds and animals, are given magical properties.  She will talk about the inspiration for each piece; the importance of good solid research and the use of drawing.  A sample of her work is shown below.


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