The meeting started with the AGM – reports from the Chairman and Accounts and the voting in of new committee members.
The retiring Joint Chairman – Anne Baldwin and Sue Tyldesley (who unfortunately could not be present) were thanked for their 3 years service to the Branch and presented with Gift Tokens in appreciation for all their hard work – including the Outreach programme when we visited local Libraries, which gained us some new members and the very exciting and successful exhibition held in June this year.
New committee would be as follows -
Joint Chair – Carole Sams and Kay Kellaway.
Secretary – Marguerite McBride
plus 2 new members – Nicky Robertson and Deborah McLarnon-Riches.
All other posts would remain as before.
3 members of the Branch have completed their City & Guilds courses and a presentation of her certificate was made to Carole Sams by the Regional Chairman – a member of our Branch.
Carole, Eileen Bramwell, and Sue Tyldesley - who were not present at the meeting -achieved distinctions and a merits between them, and should all be congratulated for their success in passing, with such excellent results.
At the end of the Chairman’s 3 years we hold a Challenge competition for a piece of work following a theme set by the outgoing Chairmen - this year’s title was -
‘My Favourite Place’ – no bigger than A4 in any direction.
This year’s winner - Anne Stark being presented by our outgoing Chairman – Anne Baldwin – with the Therese De Dillmont Embroidery book – which she will keep for 3 years – hope you enjoy it Anne.
A photograph of Anne’s piece will be shown later.