Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Following the very successful events held at 3 of the Libraries in our catchment area last year, all have asked if we would be interested in showing/demonstrating again early next year -

Library Day on Saturday 8th February at Leyland 9.30 to 11.30a.m 

Sue Chisnall-Sumner with Nicky Robertson and Tracey Ramsey will be organising a display and demonstration to coincide with this event by displaying a selection of EG work and being there to answer any questions about the work and the Branch.
Please bring to the January meeting, any work you would be prepared to let Sue have for display.


Tarleton Library - Monday 24th to Saturday 29th March

A display of members work will be on show for the week and on the Saturday, from 9.30a.m to 1p.m there will be a Sit and Stitch session and Demonstration of simple stitch techniques. 
Please contact Sandra if you will be able to provide some work and help with the demonstration on the Saturday.


Monday, 30 December 2013


The Guild is distributing a survey to all members to gather information to inform the future of the Guild.

This document will be sent to members electronically soon - they cannot be completed on-line so you will have to print off and fill in. 
For those without e.mail contact, copies will be printed and be available at the January meeting.

The forms have to be completed and returned either direct to HQ or via the Branch.  If you can complete yours, seal in an envelope and bring to the February meeting the Branch will send in bulk to HQ.

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Some of our members creations inspired by the visit of Kate Bufton to the branch in October.  On show at our Christmas meeting.

P1030391  P1030390





(The White Cliffs of Dover)

Situated along the banks of the Dover Strait, the White Cliffs of Dover remain one of the most prized natural wonders in all of Great Britain. They are rich with history and natural beauty.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

SIT AND STITCH SESSIONS–to start in February 2014

The basis of all embroidery, whether it be hand or machine, is stitch.

We have had requests from many members both old and new, to run some sessions to teach, or to remind us of hand stitches, from simple to more complex, and how to use them in an imaginative way.
To this end we intend to run four informal stitching sessions, starting at 12.30 in February, before our monthly meetings . The other sessions will be in March, May and June. 

You can work on your own pieces – maybe for the Regional Exhibition, or if you want to learn some new stitches or techniques this would be the ideal opportunity to ‘have a go’.   Two ideas to showcase the stitches are a sampler and a small decorative purse.

Do come along and share your skills and get to know one another - it will be fun so please let us know at the January meeting if you are interested.
There will be a small charge of £1 per session to help cover the cost of the room.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

ANOTHER GROUP EXHIBITION by some of our members.

The Natural Progression Textile Group

A Retrospective exhibition 'Glancing Back'

7th to 28th January 2014
Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Rd, Leyland, Lancashire PR25 5XW-

Tel:  01772 461714 for opening times

Preview Thursday 9th January 2014

6.00pm to 7.30pm - all welcome.


Exchange visits between branches have been done before - a good idea we thought so we are embarking on this our first event of its kind by inviting 3 or 4 members of the Merseyside branch to come with some of their own work to show us and to start our new year off.

I am sure we are in for a treat as having attended some of their exhibitions, we know they are a very talented group of ladies.

We look forward to meeting them.

Christmas Meeting with Katie Chaplin

Katie has visited us before with her Japanese Tea Ceremony and Kimono dressing, so this time we had a fascinating talk and slide show of her visits to Japan where she attends various workshops to learn new crafts including silk screen printing, weaving, paper making and many others. 
After lunch and under Katie’s guidance we learnt to make Kimekomi Baubles – something none of our members had tried before and they really are stunning as these pictures show – Katie’s samples -hopefully ours will be on show at the January meeting.

2013-12-14 14.30.36

We discovered that we had 3 ‘families’ represented amongst our membership on the day – 2 mothers with their daughters and a trio of granddad, daughter and granddaughter – nice to see families working together and passing on skills.

 2013-12-14 16.16.16 John, Sarah and Sue Clark – Granddad, granddaughter and daughter.

2013-12-14 16.15.48 Caroline and her Mum

2013-12-14 16.15.19Angela and Deborah