Thursday, 19 December 2013

SIT AND STITCH SESSIONS–to start in February 2014

The basis of all embroidery, whether it be hand or machine, is stitch.

We have had requests from many members both old and new, to run some sessions to teach, or to remind us of hand stitches, from simple to more complex, and how to use them in an imaginative way.
To this end we intend to run four informal stitching sessions, starting at 12.30 in February, before our monthly meetings . The other sessions will be in March, May and June. 

You can work on your own pieces – maybe for the Regional Exhibition, or if you want to learn some new stitches or techniques this would be the ideal opportunity to ‘have a go’.   Two ideas to showcase the stitches are a sampler and a small decorative purse.

Do come along and share your skills and get to know one another - it will be fun so please let us know at the January meeting if you are interested.
There will be a small charge of £1 per session to help cover the cost of the room.

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