Friday, 30 May 2014

JUNE MEETING with Linda Rudkin–Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th

We start our day with the morning Sit and Stitch session which starts at 12 noon – usual sewing things.

This will be followed at 2.30 by Linda's talk “Colours from Nature”.
Linda will give you an insight into how she uses a wide range of natural dyes for creative work with textiles. The talk is well supported by more than 60 stitched sample boards and pieces of textile art.

The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

PLUS  Our Bumper Half-year Raffle when we have 3 Baskets of Stitching Goodies up for grabs – this might be your lucky month!!!


10a.m – 4p.m ’FLOWER POUNDING’


This workshop involves using fresh flowers, leaves and a hammer to create instant images on fabric. The workshop also covers additional techniques that combine well with flower pounding and extend the range of designs that can be produced. GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO HAMMER YOUR FRUSTRATIONS AWAY!

Places are still available – book with Sue Chisnall-Sumner.

Regional Exhibition at The Storey, Lancaster–Preview 25th May 2014

I visited the exhibition for the Preview on Sunday 25th May and was met by a wonderful array of colour and pattern all set in a huge white exhibition space, which set off the pieces very well.
It must have been a massive job setting up the Regions displays and the ‘Nations of the World – Regional Postcards’;  ‘Finest Stitches’ and the ‘World’s Longest Embroidery’ – well done to all those who undertook this work.

There are 130 pieces from the Region’s Branches, 29 of which came from 8 of our Branch members.  Well done ladies – a good show!

The Regional committee is still looking for volunteers to steward this exhibition which closes on the 25th June and is open from Monday to Saturday 10a.m to 4p.m. I will be sending dates out to the Branch when I have them.
No need to take lunch – there is a very nice cafe in the building on the ground floor.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I am going back soon and will post some of the images later to the Blog.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

MAY MEETING with Maggie Smith–“Inspired to Stuff and Stitch”

What  a super weekend we had with Maggie – a great talk with lots of samples to handle - a generous speaker and tutor for those who attended the Sunday workshop.

15 members all enjoyed ‘Getting Stuffed’ – a new take on Quilting techniques which included Trapunto, Italian and a variety of traditional and experimental English style quilting – mostly representing Architectural patterns from friezes.
Below are some photographs taken at the workshop - of the samplers started on the day -  looking forward to seeing
the finished or on-going  pieces at the next meeting in June.  Please bring them in for everyone to see.





Wednesday, 7 May 2014

NORTH WEST REGIONAL EXHIBITION at The Storey Gallery, Lancaster 26th May to 21st June

Several of our members have entered work for this exhibition and are looking forward to visiting this new Gallery in Lancaster.

This will be the first Regional exhibition since those held to celebrate the Guild’s Centenary in 2006 at 3 of the National Trust properties in the Region .

We have been asked to cover a stewarding day sometime in June and more details of this will be available soon.  I will post this information as soon as I have it.