Monday, 9 March 2009


This full day workshop was run by Karen Hurrell, one of our branch members, the aim being to make beaded balls for a bracelet.
When I arrived at lunchtime, the hall was in total silence – I wondered if they had gone somewhere else, but NO they were all concentrating so hard they didn’t dare to speak in case their counting went wrong!!!!

As you probably realise from the above comment, I am not a beader – firstly I can’t see to thread those ‘so fine’ beading needles and I get frustrated if things don’t grow quickly enough for me. I love the look of beaded pieces – when someone else has made them, but they always look so complex
SO I had just gone along to this workshop to take photographs for this blog and, as I thought, to have a chat – OH NO!!!!!!!!! –no talking, it would put them off.

So I made their tea and then sat reading the Beading magazines that Karen had provided for members to see finished pieces, articles on beading and complicated patterns – which definitely confirmed my thoughts on beading – it is not for me.

However after all this negativity I must say that although you don’t achieve much even in quite a few hours, what is achieved is worth waiting for. I will just have to resort to buying pieces from other people. Maybe one of the students on this course might like to make me a very complicated and very long, multi-row necklace! !!!! I might have a long wait though.
Well done all of you – I am sure you and Karen were pleased with what had been achieved.

IMG_0373 Concentrating hard!!IMG_0374 Hands On IMG_0375 Work in progress

IMG_0381 Finished pieces


  1. They look lovely Sandra - knowing Karen they will be little gems! She is doing one for our group (One Step On) shorlty - can't wait.
    That must have been quite strange to find everyone so silent!
