Monday 30 March 2009


The Weaving Industry
The second Hands-on session based on weaving, used the industrial landscape as a design source, using small wooden hand looms, picture frames, stiff cardboard or weaving sticks. 
Any materials could be used and could include wool, fleece, torn fabrics, embroidery threads, sticks, wire, beads, buttons  etc……..

This technique has been very popular with our members and a lot of work has already been completed, but the one thing I found difficult was keeping the weaving straight. 
I am told there is a knack and I’m sure I will get there in the end – with a lot of practice!!!

A selection of the pieces are shown below.

DSC04054 Choosing wools – we inherited a large box of wools of all kinds, which have been very useful for this project.

DSC04056  Just starting  -
Our only gentleman member with our student member who has continued with us after her YE membership.

Work in progress.

 DSC04101a Heather landscape

IMG_0354a The Old Mill

Look out for our next themed hands-on session which will be based on Coalminers and their ‘Butty Boxes’ or ‘Tommy Tins’ as they were known.

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