Monday 1 February 2010


Since my last report on 12th January, several things have got in the way with writing anything for the Blog – mainly nothing to report as we cancelled our January meeting due to bad weather and as I could not attend the Silk Painting workshop I had to rely on other members getting pictures and a report to me.

These were duly received but then they coincided with my 50th wedding anniversary and of course that had to take precedent so a late entry I’m afraid.  (YES I was a child bride!!!!!)

Report from Sue Chisnall our Chairman -
The day went well, with the roads now clear of snow and ice. Paula asked us to do a small painting to get the feel of how the paint flows on silk. She showed us how to mix the colours, dilute them for different effects and add rock salt to enhance. We were shown how to apply gutta, and after the break we completed either Paula's design of a church and fields or our own designs. All the members enjoyed the day, and felt we had achieved something.

Unfortunately I can only get one photo to print off and I don’t know who it belongs to – will let you know.


I then received a ‘fun’ photograph from John Clark , after my request for ‘Snow photographs’.   He likes to play around with ‘pics’  where you have to look carefully for little hidden bits and pieces – can you find the needle in this one?


Just to add to the collection – a ‘pic’ of our Anniversary cake  and the Church where we were married – sorry it has all been eaten!!   AND that’s all you get to see of me or you will know how old I really am!!



  1. Ah so sweet - the cake was lovely - I can confirm as I go to eat some!! Lucky me - it was a shame to cut into it.
    I have spotted the needle too.
    The silk painting workshop looked like fun too!

  2. The silk painting of a flower is by Mary Seaman and shows well the effect (in the background) of scattering salt on the painted silk before it dries.
