Sue Chisnall and Caroline had us working flat out all afternoon to produce wonderful pieces of decorated papers and fabrics – to be used in 2 further Hands-on sessions later in our programme.
A very different way of producing marbled fabrics and papers and much quicker and easier than boiling up Carageen moss, waiting for it to cool and set before getting to work.
This method does not produce such crisp results as the traditional method of marbling but for quick backgrounds it is ideal.
I was supposed to photograph you all at work but got so engrossed in what I was doing, I just did not have the time, so you will have to put up with my efforts.
Fabric print.
Print on paper.
My grandaughter came with me and we found the best results for marbling were by taking the first print onto fabric and a second could be made onto paper, which lifted with it a lot of the foam, so gave different results.
We moved on to painting with Brusho powders and putting a piece of paper under the fabric when painting, gave us a bonus painted paper.
Fabric painted with Brusho and while still wet, some contrasting dry Brusho powder was sprinkled on top to create interesting effects.
The paper print was very effective as the wrinkles in the paper created further patterning -
Everyone was delighted with their results so we now look forward to the next session when we start to stitch.
Thanks to Sue and Caroline.