Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Following the very successful events held at 3 of the Libraries in our catchment area last year, all have asked if we would be interested in showing/demonstrating again early next year -

Library Day on Saturday 8th February at Leyland 9.30 to 11.30a.m 

Sue Chisnall-Sumner with Nicky Robertson and Tracey Ramsey will be organising a display and demonstration to coincide with this event by displaying a selection of EG work and being there to answer any questions about the work and the Branch.
Please bring to the January meeting, any work you would be prepared to let Sue have for display.


Tarleton Library - Monday 24th to Saturday 29th March

A display of members work will be on show for the week and on the Saturday, from 9.30a.m to 1p.m there will be a Sit and Stitch session and Demonstration of simple stitch techniques. 
Please contact Sandra if you will be able to provide some work and help with the demonstration on the Saturday.


Monday, 30 December 2013


The Guild is distributing a survey to all members to gather information to inform the future of the Guild.

This document will be sent to members electronically soon - they cannot be completed on-line so you will have to print off and fill in. 
For those without e.mail contact, copies will be printed and be available at the January meeting.

The forms have to be completed and returned either direct to HQ or via the Branch.  If you can complete yours, seal in an envelope and bring to the February meeting the Branch will send in bulk to HQ.

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Some of our members creations inspired by the visit of Kate Bufton to the branch in October.  On show at our Christmas meeting.

P1030391  P1030390





(The White Cliffs of Dover)

Situated along the banks of the Dover Strait, the White Cliffs of Dover remain one of the most prized natural wonders in all of Great Britain. They are rich with history and natural beauty.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

SIT AND STITCH SESSIONS–to start in February 2014

The basis of all embroidery, whether it be hand or machine, is stitch.

We have had requests from many members both old and new, to run some sessions to teach, or to remind us of hand stitches, from simple to more complex, and how to use them in an imaginative way.
To this end we intend to run four informal stitching sessions, starting at 12.30 in February, before our monthly meetings . The other sessions will be in March, May and June. 

You can work on your own pieces – maybe for the Regional Exhibition, or if you want to learn some new stitches or techniques this would be the ideal opportunity to ‘have a go’.   Two ideas to showcase the stitches are a sampler and a small decorative purse.

Do come along and share your skills and get to know one another - it will be fun so please let us know at the January meeting if you are interested.
There will be a small charge of £1 per session to help cover the cost of the room.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

ANOTHER GROUP EXHIBITION by some of our members.

The Natural Progression Textile Group

A Retrospective exhibition 'Glancing Back'

7th to 28th January 2014
Avant Garden Centre, Wigan Rd, Leyland, Lancashire PR25 5XW-

Tel:  01772 461714 for opening times

Preview Thursday 9th January 2014

6.00pm to 7.30pm - all welcome.


Exchange visits between branches have been done before - a good idea we thought so we are embarking on this our first event of its kind by inviting 3 or 4 members of the Merseyside branch to come with some of their own work to show us and to start our new year off.

I am sure we are in for a treat as having attended some of their exhibitions, we know they are a very talented group of ladies.

We look forward to meeting them.

Christmas Meeting with Katie Chaplin

Katie has visited us before with her Japanese Tea Ceremony and Kimono dressing, so this time we had a fascinating talk and slide show of her visits to Japan where she attends various workshops to learn new crafts including silk screen printing, weaving, paper making and many others. 
After lunch and under Katie’s guidance we learnt to make Kimekomi Baubles – something none of our members had tried before and they really are stunning as these pictures show – Katie’s samples -hopefully ours will be on show at the January meeting.

2013-12-14 14.30.36

We discovered that we had 3 ‘families’ represented amongst our membership on the day – 2 mothers with their daughters and a trio of granddad, daughter and granddaughter – nice to see families working together and passing on skills.

 2013-12-14 16.16.16 John, Sarah and Sue Clark – Granddad, granddaughter and daughter.

2013-12-14 16.15.48 Caroline and her Mum

2013-12-14 16.15.19Angela and Deborah

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


This will be an extended meeting starting at the earlier time of 11.30 with a demonstration and talk on ‘JAPONISM AND KIMEKOMI BAUBLES’ with Katie Chaplin who visited us a few years ago. 

After a break for lunch we will follow on with a Mini-Workshop to make a bauble.
All materials will be supplied at a cost of £4 per member  but you might like to bring needles and scissors.
Please bring a
packed lunch; refreshments and a few nibbles will be provided.

AND don’t forget the Bumper Christmas Raffle – 3 baskets of ‘stitching goodies’ to win, provided by the members.



Sunday, 17 November 2013

Workshop with Isobel Hall–Embroidery with Paper

On Saturday 16th November members had a very exciting day with Isobel, using Paper threads and strips of many kinds to stitch a textured surface onto open weave fabrics.

Worked with white and natural ‘papers’ we stitched into and onto a variety of fabric backgrounds to create textured surfaces which could be finished by adding paints to the surfaces and when dry more stitching with coloured threads.
Below are some of the on going pieces of work –first the unpainted pieces -

2013-11-16 16.33.00    2013-11-16 16.34.11

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followed by some painted -

2013-11-16 16.36.20  2013-11-16 16.34.54
2013-11-16 16.38.47   2013-11-16 16.36.58

2013-11-16 16.37.46     2013-11-16 16.37.29

2013-11-16 16.34.33      2013-11-16 16.35.08

We hope to show the finished effects when they have been completed – so get stitching ‘girls’ so we can see some of the end results.

A great day and thanks go to Isobel for talking us through her samples of books, bags and boxes which use this method of stitch, and Sue Chisnall-Sumner, our Programme Secretary, for organising the day.

Saturday, 16 November 2013

November 9th meeting–talk by Julie James-Turner

Report by Sue Chisnall-Sumner -
A brilliant meeting with Julie giving a very good overhead projector presentation  with clear slides of her work & close ups.
She also brought samples of her work - a beautiful coat made of pieces of reclaimed fabrics which were felted together with roses & ivy embellishments-  based on a woman's monthly cycle.

Displaying photo.JPG

She also had a red blouse, colourful skirt & white dress which had been lazer printed & again made from small pieces of fabric with writing on them.
They represented  utilitarian clothing compared to the prettiness of women’s clothes during the 40s & 50s.
Look for the ‘keys’ in this piece below.

Displaying photo.JPG

Photographs by Caroline Percy

November 9th meeting–talk by Julie James-Turner

Report by Sue Chisnall-Sumner -
A brilliant meeting with Julie giving a very good overhead projector presentation  with clear slides of her work & close ups.
She also brought samples of her work - a beautiful coat made of pieces of reclaimed fabrics which were felted together with roses & ivy embellishments-  based on a woman's monthly cycle.

Displaying photo.JPG

She also had a red blouse, colourful skirt & white dress which had been lazer printed & again made from small pieces of fabric with writing on them.
They represented  utilitarian clothing compared to the prettiness of women’s clothes during the 40s & 50s.
Look for the ‘keys’ in this piece below.

Displaying photo.JPG

Photographs by Caroline Percy

Friday, 15 November 2013


The exhibition ‘Evolving Threads’ now on display at the Whitaker Gallery, Rossendale is open Tuesday to Sunday from 11a.m to 4p.m NOT the 10a.m opening time as shown on previous publicity.

It all looks really good in this newly refurbished gallery – well worth a visit.

Thursday, 14 November 2013


At the moment unfortunately I cannot get into the Branch webpage to amend our July meeting date.

It is still listed there as 19th July but should be changed to the previous Saturday – 12th July.  There was a problem over the date clashing with Summer School but all has now been resolved.

Please make the amendment to your programme and as soon as I can, I will amend the website.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Saturday 9th November - A talk by Julie James-Turner - ‘From Boiler Suits to Hobble Skirts’-

Julie is fascinated by and takes inspiration from the 1940s and 1950s period, and the effect of the Second World War on women’s lives.
Each art piece is very detailed and uses a variety of traditional techniques such as knitting, embroidery and felting.
In addition s
he uses contemporary tools and technologies, such as laser cutting and digital embroidery, to extend the textile medium and enrich the works’ aesthetic, by deconstructing garments typical of the period before reinterpreting them. 





Friday, 18 October 2013

TALK BY KATE BUFTON Saturday 12th September– ’Book Transformations’

Kate – a lively young and enthusiastic artist displayed a selection of her work for us all to see and her description of how she creates these works of art, although sounding simple, were quite mind-boggling in the dexterity of manipulation that she has achieved.

I have shown below – with her permission – some of the work she had on show.


A lively discussion ensued with members’ interest at a height I haven’t seen in a long time – we were all quite bowled over by her enthusiasm and willingness to share SO we just had to have a go! 

Kate had provided a selection of prepared paperbacks with their covers removed and ready for manipulation and I for one can’t wait to have a go!! When I get some time!

I hope to get some pictures of members attempts to show on the blog at a later date.
Keep a look out!

ALSO you can go to Kate’s website for more pictures of her latest works which look like Victorian Domed Sculptures at katebufton.co.uk

Sunday, 13 October 2013


If any of you are interested in going to see a very good Textile exhibition – until the 3rd of November at Saltaire Mill, Bradford – the Cloth and Memory exhibition of work by 28 professional Textile artists will be on show.

In addition is work by David Hockney on ‘Trees’ – 3 x 27ft long works plus the work he has done on an I-Pad – this has been extended until January 2014.  Not to be missed – if you saw the work on TV you will know the one I mean.

Look up the Saltaire Mill website for details of opening times, exact closing dates etc.

Devore Workshop with Dionne Swift held in September.

The following is a report from Carole Sams – our Joint Chairman.

The devore workshop was a delightful day, Dionne Swift is a gifted textile artist and a proficient instructor.   Much of the successes we all had was down to Dionne being very well organized and good at keeping the group focused and working all the time. 

We had a choice between making a scarf or doing some samples, I chose the samples (it all helps for my City and Guilds).

The day started with everyone completing a sample utilizing a simple design and using the devore paste on a screen print frame, the velvet was dried, heated under a press then put into water to rub the treated pile away, later in the day the fabric was dyed.

We then went onto our final piece and I was delighted with my samples; however some of the scarves produced were absolutely stunning with lots of ‘oohs and aahs’ as they came out of the buckets of dye.  Dionne told us we were her last Saturday group as she intends to spend future weekends with her family so we posed in the rain for a photo to go onto her website.  We had a lovely day playing and ended up with some fabulous scarves and samples as you can see.


Tuesday, 8 October 2013


The newly refurbished 
Rossendale’s Museum and Art Gallery, now known as
THE WHITAKER, Whitaker Park, Rawtenstall, Lancs. BB4 6RE
will be the venue for our latest exhibition
from 8th November to 8th December.
Open 10am – 4pm, Tuesday – Sunday

will include 2 different collections of work carried out over the past 2 years to include -


There will also be some new sample studies of ‘PORTRAIT’ pieces on show.

The Preview will take place on Saturday 9th November at 1p.m when you can ‘Meet the Makers’ – talking about their work.  
PLUS – 2 workshops
Saturday 16th November - 'Stitching from a Portrait'
Sunday 1st December - 'Exploring Hand Stitch'

Please contact the Gallery to book courses on 01706 218858
and our website for more information – www.prestonthreads.co.uk


Chairman’s Challenge winning entry

WEST BAY, DORSET by Anne Stark -West Bay, Dorset

Sunday, 29 September 2013


Kate Bufton  will be our speaker this month with a talk entitled –
'Book Transformations - Get into the Mind of a Book Artist'

She will speak about her life as a book artist; where her ideas come from and her inspiration. Where she started & where she is now, with her creative journey in between.

By altering the  original form of books through various cuts and folds they are transformed from a carrier of text to an object of Art.



Thursday, 19 September 2013

Saturday 14th September–AGM

The meeting started with the AGM – reports from the Chairman and Accounts and the voting in of new committee members.

The retiring Joint Chairman – Anne Baldwin and Sue Tyldesley (who unfortunately could not be present) were thanked for their 3 years service to the Branch and presented with Gift Tokens in appreciation for all their hard work  – including the Outreach programme when we visited local Libraries, which gained us some new members and the very exciting and successful exhibition held in June this year.

New committee would be as follows -
Joint Chair – Carole Sams and Kay Kellaway.
Secretary – Marguerite McBride
plus 2 new members – Nicky Robertson and Deborah McLarnon-Riches.
All other posts would remain as before.

3 members of the Branch have completed their City & Guilds courses and a presentation of her certificate was made to  Carole Sams  by the Regional Chairman – a member of our Branch.

Carole, Eileen Bramwell, and Sue Tyldesley  - who were not present at the meeting -achieved distinctions and a merits between them, and should all be congratulated for their success in passing, with such excellent results.

At the end of the Chairman’s 3 years we hold a  Challenge competition for a piece of work following a theme set by the outgoing Chairmen - this year’s title was -
‘My Favourite Place’ – no bigger than A4 in any direction.


This year’s winner - Anne Stark being presented by our outgoing Chairman – Anne Baldwin – with the Therese De Dillmont Embroidery book – which she will keep for 3 years – hope you enjoy it Anne.

A photograph of Anne’s piece will be shown later.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

September meeting–Talk by Karen Martindale ‘ Bags of Inspiration’

Karen is a self confessed ‘collector of bags and to prove this she brought with her a huge collection of different  types.

Karen explained that she comes from a long line of Textile workers and was surrounded by hats, bags, and clothes from a very young age.

She started collecting when she was about 6 buying her first purse at a jumble sale(for 6d – old money which some of us still remember!!), going on to collect Victorian beaded purses; Art Deco handbags with Bakelite clasps; gaming and misers purses; hanging pockets – as in the nursery rhyme ‘Lucy Locket’ and sweet bags which were scented with rose petals to disguise nasty ‘unwashed’ smells – another nursery rhyme –’Ring a Roses, a pocket full of posies’.

Some of the bags she brought to show us – far too many to photograph individually so I have shown a few that I particularly liked.

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P1030362    P1030367

image    image


Saturday, 31 August 2013



At the Quilt Museum and Gallery, York from 7th September to 9th November – An exhibition of work titled – “Its All in the Making: patchwork and quilting unpicked”
Quilters’ Guild members and students £7, non-members £9. 
Dialogue of Dreams: Talk by Lauren Shanley
Mon 28th October 2013, 7pm-8pm in Room 37, Skell Building, York St John University, Lord Mayor’s Walk.

Subversive Stitch: all-day workshop by Lauren Shanley
Tuesday 29th October 2013in the Quilt Museum and Gallery

A booking form can be downloaded from the BQSG pages of the Quilters’ Guild website (www.quiltersguild.org.uk), or obtained from Maxine March, 13 Northanger Road, London SW16 5RX, email maxinemarch@waitrose.com or telephone 0208 764 8312. Email bookings will be confirmed by email. Please include an SAE with postal bookings.

Thursday, 29 August 2013


‘My Favourite Place’

A piece of work no bigger than A4 in any direction  and in any technique.
Let’s make this a really good show of work with lots of entries to thank our two ‘retiring’ Chairmen who have worked hard for us over the last 3 years.


As you know we were challenged by the Regional Committee to ‘create’ work from a collection of ‘school ties’.  The Branch decided to make a collection of Bags using the ties in any form we wanted.
We have already seen some of the finished Bags and would now like to have them returned to the Branch so that they can go on show at the Regional AGM in October.
Hope there will be lots of these too!!


Sue Chisnall-Sumner entered some work in the Art House annual Open Exhibition earlier this month and one of her pieces was voted 3rd best in the show.

The 3 winners have been given a free exhibition of their work which starts on 27th to 31st August.
A great achievement for Sue so do go along if you can.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Sue Chisnall-Sumner entered some work in the Art House annual Open Exhibition earlier this month and one of her pieces was voted 3rd best in the show.

The 3 winners have been given a free exhibition of their work which starts on 27th to 31st August.
A great achievement for Sue so do go along if you can.

EXPLORING DEVORE with DIONNE SWIFT–Saturday 7th September

There are still 3 places available on Dionne's workshop – the charge is £30.00 for EG members & £33.00 for non members.

This workshop will be held at Hilldale Village Hall, Chorley Rd, Hilldale WN8 7AS (just up the road from our usual meeting place) from 10.00am to 4.00pm.
'Exploring Devore' materials including short scarf £10.00 or long scarf £15.00 + any other additional materials paid on the day to Dionne.
Bring your own lunch – refreshments will be provided.

If anyone is interested and wants to book, please contact me and I will send to Sue Chisnall-Sumner to send the requirement list on.

Monday, 26 August 2013


This Group will be exhibiting a selection of work by their members based on the title

at Astley Hall, Chorley.
7 September to 27 October
Saturdays & Sundays only from
12.30 to 4p.m

Meet the artists on Sunday 8th September.


September 14th our AGM followed by a talk from one of our newer members – Karen Martindale “Bags of Interest”.

I have been asked to remind you that your annual subscription of £35 will be due at this meeting and because banks now charge for depositing cash, it would be much appreciated if you could pay by cheque.  This will also apply to all future workshop payments


The September title is -



Friday, 23 August 2013

AUGUST meeting–talk by Elizabeth Cousins-Scott

A member of the 62 Group, Elizabeth has had work at the V&A Museum; Platt Hall; the Royal Exchange; has worked in conjunction with the Whitworth and been artist in residence at Lancaster University – Preston print department followed by an exhibition of her Print making – see some of the images below -

From a  young women’s magazine about Botox and changing body images, Elizabeth has created objects and silk screen prints – both thought provoking and disturbing in many ways.  
Using clothing and accessories; dolls faces and dolls clothes to depict the obsession with
wanting to make yourself appear ‘younger’ and other modern day contemporary anxieties -

image        image

Elizabeth has also been inspired to create a collection of work on Consumerism – Handbag and Shoes studded with nails and a bag made from silk and wire mesh scouring pads!

image     image       image

The piece below is part of a collection of work, which will soon be exhibited in Japan with the 62 Group – bodice with pins.


An interesting resume of her work can be found on the 62 Group website.